Look I made a (dev) blog

I’ve been thinking about maintaining some platform to go more in-depth on larger projects I’m working on, or have worked on. This blog seems like a good solution. For example, expect to see more details on Project Amidst, i.e. the large game based on Amidst the Sky that I’ve been working on for a while now pretty soon.
But also random stuff about game design, or old games I’ve made will be posted here. At the very least you’ll get a way better idea what the heck I’m working on. Maybe you’ll even read something interesting related to game design here, ANYTHING’s possible*.

So anyway, here are my goals for this year:

  • Release more free browser games than last year (3 last year). Ideally at least one every ~2 months.
  • For the shmup I’m working on, which is heading towards Steam: finally finish and release a demo early this year; finish and release the full game later this year.
  • Keep working on Project Amidst (working title), and start a dev log whenever I think the project is far enough for that.

It’d be great if we can look back at this post at the end of this year and see all these goals met, but we’ll seeee~. I’ll try my best.

In conclusion, if you like (any subset of) my games, consider subscribing (you’ll get a mail whenever something new is posted, if think) to this blog, adding it to your RSS thingamadoodle or checking in every now and then.

* Disclaimer: not literally everything is possible